Archive for 2010



Ini foto dijepret saat pelajaran Penjaskes, tepatnya abis temen-temen cowok Rombel X5 main bola tangan sambil becek-becekkan...!!! 
Liat aja tuch ekspresinya Dannis, Egar and temen-temen yang lainnya... Apalagi sii Rian yang gaje mau ngapain...???!!! haha...peace!!!
Hmmm,,,karena di foto ini semua pada nunjukkin ekspresi yang menggembirakan, yuuk kita pelajari bersama about "HAPPINESS EXPRESSIONS"

Definition of Happiness Expressions :
Happiness Expressions is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited feelings. 

Example of Expressing Happiness :
- I'm really happy
- I'm happy to hear that
- Fantastic !
- Great !
- It gives me great pleasure
- I'm very pleased / delighted about it

We can happiness ekspressions of by :
- Word
- Gestures



Nahh,ini dia foto anak-anak Rombel X5 yang rajin, pintar, disiplin dan tertib...hahaha.. 

Yaa gimana pun kenyataannya, yang jelas ini lah kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan setiap jam pelajaran sekolah...

Selain buat mamerin foto ini, motif utamanya adalah sebagai contoh pembelajaran "SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE" yang akan kita pelajari bersama-sama...

(simple present tense without verb)
Formula :
(+) S + Tobe + Adj/Noun/Adv
(-) S + Tobe + not + Adj/Noun/Adv
(?) Tobe + S + Adj/Noun/Adv ?
Example :
(+) She is a teacher
(-) She is not a teacher
(?) Is she a teacher ?

(simple present tense with verb)
Formula :
(+) S + V1 (s/es) + O/C
(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C
(?) Do/does + S + V1 + O/C ?
Example :
(+) Amir writes short story
(-) Amir does not write short story
(?) Does Amir write short story?



Dalam foto ini gak tau jelas sih sii Anna ngomong apa'an,,,tapi karena momentnya cocok buat jadi contoh Invitation,yaa dipajang dech...!!! 

Definition of Invitation :
Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something.

How To Invite Someone :
>I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party
>Would you come with me
>Let's go to the school
>If you're not busy, please come to my house this afternoon
How To Accepting An Invitation:
>Great! Let's do it.
>Thank you. I'd like to.
>That's a good idea
>That would be very nice
>Thank you for the invitation
>I'd be glad to
How To Declining An Invitation :
>Sorry, I can't. I have other plans.
>Thank you for your invitation, but I don't think I can make it
>Thank you for inviting us, but we have a little business to do.
>That's very kind of you, but unfortunantely I will have to miss it.
>We're very sorry. We've already had an appointment that time.